Thursday, March 6, 2014

Autocad civil 3d 2014 not uninstall problems.

Licensing: The security system (Softlock license manager) is not functioning or is improperly installed

you have corrupted installation of an Autodesk program or if you have tweaked the registry to change the license method
You might see the following error when starting the Autodesk program.
"The security system (Softlock license manager) is not functioning or is improperly installed"
Reason for the error could be a corrupted installation of an Autodesk program or a registry tweak to change the license method from Network to Standalone.
Most cases clean uninstall and reinstall of the Autodesk Program should fix the issue.
If it doesn't fix please delete the license file and re-activate the software.
License files are located here.
On Vista or Windows 7:
On Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FLEXnet\
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FLEXnet\
If the issue persists it could be related to the user permission, so please try to install and run the software as a local administrator account.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GIS суулгах гээд байгаа хүмүүст.

Энэ туршигдсан хувилбар.
Мэдээж бас өөрийнхөө кракадсан хувилбар дээр илүү тохирох байх л даа. Гол restart асуухад нь унтрааж л болдоггүй юм даа. Мөн нэмж хэлэх зүйл нь суулгах үедээ customize -руугаа ороод бүх нэмэлт extension -уудаа идэвхжүүлэх хэрэгтэй шүү.

1) install "license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe"
   and use "license_server_setup\********.efl9" as license file

2) copy *all* files from "license_server_crack\" to the
   license server install-dir replacing existing ones
   (yes, especially the lic file - the moronic LMSetup.exe sent
    the ARC/INFO feature to oblivion *argh*)

3) start the license-server

   (you may have to logout/login to make it work)   
4) install the application

5) copy "data_interop\fme_license.dat" to
   "install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension"

6) start "Desktop Administrator" and
   * "Software Product": choose "ArcInfo (Floating)"    
   * "License Manager": change to "localhost"
   * "Availability": select "ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)",
     in the pane below that selection you should see a lot of licenses :-D

7) when starting the different apps for the first time make sure
   to select all extensions in the options menu

Кракадсан программ нь хэрэгтэй бол хэлээрэй. Тавих гээд үзнэ дээ.